

On this page, you will find information about me, the site's owner and maintainer; the site itself; and contact information for the aforementioned site owner.

about me

Hello, my name is Woodrow! If you're reading this, you must want me to talk about myself. Allow me to indulge you.

A digital drawing of an anthropomorphic osprey wearing a
					bisexual pride flag like a cape, holding one end of it into the air with his left hand while clutching a
					smaller rainbow flag to his chest with his right.
bi ospy :> (@FireMoonXD)

I am a bisexual man and, as of writing, 18 years of age. I am currently attending community college in pursuit of a Computer Science degree, with which I hope to tranfer to a proper university to complete four years of higher education. My interests and hobbies include creating websites (which is a whole lot more fun than maintaining them), playing videogames (as of writing I am on a particularly strong WEBFISHING kick, and not just because that would be in character of me), running home servers (one of which is hosting this very site!), playing around with old technology, reading, birdwatching, photography, and, of course, anthropomorphic birds.

I am also a committed socialist. I have been immersing myself in theoretical and historical texts for some time now. I know that imperialism (the highest stage of capitalism) is the single greatest threat to the world, and that dismantling it is the most important thing we can strive towards. I know that capitalism is an inherently unjust system that prioritizes maximizing profits over silly things like democracy, providing working people with decent living standards, and having a habitable planet for the next generation to inhabit. I know that socialism is an inherently far superior system in all forms that we've seen put into practice thusfar, not just in its capacity to allow for the direction of the economy (and therefore society as a whole) for ends other than profit but in economic growth and resilience as well. From Korea to Chiapas, I support all (principled and serious) attempts at building socialism; even if I don't agree with some of their methodology, functional socialism is functional socialism. I also support national liberation movements, so long as they are progressive relative to the current state of their society (liberation from imperialism is ALWAYS progressive!). I consider myself a Marxist-Leninist and am a member of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

I might have opinions some might find disagreeable, but that is NOT an invitation to debate me! If you would like to have a good-faith, civilized discussion about what I believe in, then I'd be happy to talk, but if you're coming to me or my site to start shit, I'll ignore you at best and block you at worst.

Back onto more typical and predictable nerd shit (not that being a socialist and a nerd is at all surprising ;>), I am also a hardcore linux user. It has been my main desktop operating system for 4 "straight" years now, and I don't see myself ever going back to Windows or over to macOS full-time. I do dual-boot Linux and macOS on both my PC (Ryzen 7 5700x-based build) and my laptop (pimped out Lenovo Thinkpad T440p), but that's on the rare occasion that I want actually need to do it, such as for taking tests in this weird spyware browser my college uses.

In case you were wondering, I run Gentoo Linux and macOS Sequoia on my PC and Artix Linux and macOS Monterey on my ThinkPad ARCH ON EVERYTHING BABY B>

about this site

I've had many versions of a personal website in the past. I'm probably on, like, the seventh iteration at this point. Most of these have been hosted under either a subdomain or a tilde page @ canary.city, but the last few have been right here on good ol' osp.gay. You can expect to find my ramblings here, as well as any cool furry art I might want to share with the world.


If you ever want to reach out, whether it's a question about the site or if you just want to talk to me, here's how I may be reached in order of preference:

cool buttons :>

Best viewed with ANY Browser 0.0 bi flag Made on GNU/Linux notfire.cc Stop NATO vim This site powered Powered by LINUX (Xenia)

and a button of my own!

Feel free to stick it on your site if you like mine B>
